
Looking for the light within, whatever is in front of me......people, horses, dogs ,an old car wreck or a beautiful landscape. There is a vibration in everything and trying to capture that is a huge challenge. Finding out what makes a picture to stand out.

I got my training in the Nordic photographic School in Stockholm.

I mainly work with longer projects, especially close to my heart have been Ireland. Traveling around there in the late  ́80s. Searching for old ways of living - visiting fairs, pubs and meeting people. It reminded me of my childhood, growing up on a farm in the south of Sweden.Here I was looking for something that resonated with me - that I could recall. Something that resonate deep within.

Black and white photography is what I do most. I feel I am closer more intimate in that format.

I have had several exhibitions here in Sweden. Many of the pictures that you can buy here on my website have been exposed in different exhibitions.

My latest project is Ghosttowns in the west coast of the US.

I hope you enjoy the website and that there are pictures here that find its way to your wall.

Lars-Peter Roos nov 2024